Friday, March 2, 2018

My Car is Haunted: Part I

Guys, it's time to address something in my life: I believe in ghosts. If that is a deal breaker with you, well, please still visit this site. Need to get those click rates up. However, you can just skim my writing, you don't have to read it.

My first experience with ghosts came when I was 7 and going to my bedroom. The house I grew up in was built in the early 1900's and was originally apartments for people. Basically, everyone had their own room and would share a bathroom. That's crazy, am I right, Ladies?!?!

Those two facts mixed together are the perfect recipe for a haunted house. Back to the night when I was 7, I looked to my left before entering my room only to see what I thought was a ghost walking towards me. I'm not kidding, this happened and I think about it daily.

The ghosts weren't dicks or anything. Many weekend nights as I was the only one still awake (night owl, what up ladies) I would hear what sounded like foot steps upstairs. I thought it was my sister, but once she moved out, I still heard the footsteps. Again, this is a fact.

Well, now I am a city boy and live outside of the dirty 847 (aka Elgin, Illinois.) No hauntings have happened in my new place, but that may be because my complex is a little younger and ghosts already have so many cool places to haunt in the city.

My new theory, though, is that when I moved out so did one off my ghost pals.

"Ghost pals? Are you kidding Kyle?"

Hell no. I addressed issues with my car yesterday. If you missed my humble brag about driving while also saving the environment, give it a once over. But basically, in the past six months, my car has broken down numerous times only to have it be completely fine the next day. I even take it to the experts, and they claim my car is fine.

Like I mentioned in my article, my car broke down on my way home two nights ago. Battery died and everything. Today, I took it to a different shop, explained my problem and waited. Well, good news, they have no idea what is wrong either. They have checked everything, and even cruised the streets to make sure it was "driving fine." I partly think they went on a Ferris Bueller type adventure with my Honda Civic, but that is a story for a different day.

Now I am racking my brain to figure out what could be wrong. Faulty wiring? No one sees it. Bad luck? Athletes taught me you make your own luck. God getting his revenge after I blamed my "D+" in eighth grade science on him? This is possible, but NO.

It's ghosts. As pointed out by my girlfriend's brother, a comedy ghost with a sick sense of humor.

Why a ghost? Like I said, I grew up with these guys. When I finally decided to take the next step and move into the city, they didn't want me to leave and jumped into the car with me. I don't know a ton about ghosts, but I think they can't haunt a building they have never been in. Why a car though? Well because Cars spelled backwards is SRAC, which stands for Sabbath Rest Advent Church (in Germany) and we all know ghosts can go into any church!

My Car Ghost is the same as my House Ghost- playing tricks on me to get scared, but in the end loves me. Car Ghost wants to make sure I get places safe, but also go on an adventure every now and then. Car Ghost moved to Chicago with me to get into the hot comedy scene that is in the Second City. It is only fair of me to play along and let him (or her) chase his (or her) dream!

As always, follow your dreams, kids!

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