Tuesday, January 9, 2018

STH for GSH: Nagy Named New Coach

As a Season Ticket Holder, I am impressed.

This is a big day for the blog. Never in the last week did I think the Bears would act as quick as they did to get a new coach. Call me crazy, but I figured this search would go to at least the Super Bowl with a half dozen reports coming out that coaches turned down offers/ weren't impressed with what the Bears had in mind for the future/ wouldn't do the stupid mock press conference. You know, usual shit.

Matt Nagy comes to town from Kansas City, but you already knew that. Lets do the first, and hopefully last, Season Ticket Holder Scout Package.

From a Former Team Standpoint: I was texting a good friend who is a big Chiefs fan- I have sources, whatever- and he said: "If you get Matt Nagy as your next coach, you're getting a steal. Offensive Genius." Granted this was before the Chiefs lost against Tennessee, but I know this guy and he always stands by his word. I have no idea what my source's background is in both offensive knowledge and theft, but I will take his word.

From a Facial Hair Standpoint: Many people have been pointing out over the last few years that in order to win in Chicago, you need facial hair. Ditka (mustache), Ozzie Gullien (goatee), Coach Q (Mustache), Joe Maddon (old man beard)- all of them check out. Nagy rocks a bald head, but has one of those beards that starts out of nowhere. It's going that extra mile for a championship that I think will help him succeed as a head coach.

From a Headline Standpoint: I am somewhat a journalist in the sense that I actually went to school to become one. Being around both the broadcasting and print side of things teaches you that a good pun can go a long way. The new head coaches name is pronounced the same way as "Naggy" (curveball, I know). So a lot of "Nag, Nag, Nag" headlines will be written if the coach fails or even succeeds. "Don't Be So Nagy,"  and "Old Nag." Basically the jokes are writing themselves, and this will make the media really appreciate the new hire. We all know if the media likes the Bears Head Coach, then the Super Bowl titles come rolling in.

From an X's and O's standpoint: I have no idea.

Overall Season Ticket Holders Point of View: For this, I have to take into account all the standpoints I have presented this morning: You have fan support out the wazoo; facial hair that both meets the requirements of a coaching legend yet also makes him stand out; and a name that will make headline writers drool over the next 20+ years (no idea what his contract is.) X's and O's are for other people to dissect. I will be watching from Section 439, and from there you don't judge X's and O's. You judge the atmosphere and your beer consumption. I believe this man can help make the fans Shake the Lake and drink more out of nervousness/excitement as opposed to drinking to forget you are at the game.

Final Rating: The Bears are BACK!

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