Saturday, January 6, 2018

BSH for GSH: Attractive Coaches. Wait...

As a Bears Season Ticket Holder, my first year was a little rough. A lot of mistakes that will haunt me this offseason, but in general you can build off of those errors. That is what you like to hear from a rookie making the next step to becoming veteran.

I guess the biggest change I will see in year two is a new coach manning the sidelines. A new leader of men, telling the troups that kickers don't matter (something, I don't agree with.)

With the search under way The Ten-Yard Line pointed out that Maybe the Bears Head Coach Job Isn't As Attractive As we Think:

"The Chicago Tribune’s football big-wigs contacted 20 front-office employees, head coaches, coordinators, and position coaches to find out the answer to that very question. The 20 NFL employees ranked the six teams with known coaching openings from most attractive to least attractive: 
  1. Raiders: 102 points
  2. Lions: 96 points
  3. Giants: 69 points
  4. Colts: 59 points
  5. Bears: 57 points
  6. Cardinals: 37 points"
Is that a rough look? No doubt. Do I want to make a 69 joke? You bet, but this isn't the time or place.

The Season Ticket Holder Title is in jeopardy if this how people see this franchise. But, that was one thing this poll didn't take into account. So, as dedicated as I am, I did some research, judged these top six jobs and ranked them in order of which fan base the coach should want to coach for.

6. Cardinals (originally 6)-

Plenty of fine people in Arizona, but they don't show up until December. Snow Birds, No problem? Wrong. No home field advantage for 2/3rds of the season will hurt you. Tough first step to take for any coach.

5. Lions (2)

If you are looking at the dedication of a franchise, look no further than the Lions who have these two patrolling the end zone.

However, this is the same franchise that would kick these two guys out of a game for being themselves.


Would you kick Michelangelo out of the Sistine Chapel for painting? This rough look lowers the division foe in the rankings.

4. Colts (4)

You want a franchise that will rally around even some of the most overlooked players. Colts fans show dedication to anyone who is a class act on the field....

With that said, they also chased the same legend into an early retirement....

You can't have your top players retiring early and think your job is secure. Next.

3. Raiders (1)

I want to make jokes about this team finally climbing out of the hole only to fall right back into it, but I am scared an actually Raiders fan will read this hunt me down.

What is nice about this job is that you get to move to Vegas in two years and build a new group of Raiders Fans. Bad news is, according to research I have personally done for this blog, after the first week in Vegas, you feel kind of weird still being there. Plus, no official word if the new location with have the official Raiders cheering section the Black Hole.

2. Giants (3) 

With two championships in the past 11 years, the Giants' faithful have had plenty to cheer for. A coach will walk into a situation where the fans will welcome him with open arms, ready to win. I think the ready to win attitude will hurt him though. Finish 9-7 behind the Eagles and Cowboys and miss the playoffs, you will be outed. That's a lot of pressure. What I like about these fans though are that they are willing to sacrifice an old man's life in order to beat Green Bay. Need that.

1. Bears (5)

Look, even as a Season Ticket Holder I wanted to put the bears #3 or #2, but I can't. Objectively speaking whoever takes over the position needs to do two things to make fans happy: Let Mitch chuck the ball 50 times a game and go 7-9. Oh god, how great would 7-9 be? Some hope beyond October, little playoff talk, a reason to wake up early on a Sunday to drink besides simply trying to avoid the scaries that the day brings. I honestly think if you go 7-9 at this point, a statue of you outside of the Solider Field will start to be discussions.

I'm bias though. These jobs all come with their own challenges and benefits. From my Section 439 view, all head coaches look the same and everything seems perfect.

I just think its time the Chicago Tribune takes the fans into account and adjust their ratings accordingly. 

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