Monday, April 2, 2018

The Best Easter Story

I'm catholic, so I spent Easter feeling semi bad about noT attending church before going to my Grandparents for brunch. 

You know how some people will call New Years Eve "Amateur Hour" because they spend all year getting drunk and don't waste it all on just one night? I think Easter is the same way, but for the church going crowd. That's why I don't go. Well actually, I don't go to church at all during the year. But I for sure don't go on Easter because: 1. I am already confirmed; and 2. I am not going to fake it on the biggest day of the year. If Jesus did rise on Easter and went to Church in Elgin, Illinois,  he would spend ten minutes giving everyone a high five,  and then the next two hours calling me out for never going to church. I ain't about to be roasted by Jesus on Easter. 

That's not the reason for my writing, though. I need to share what will always be my favorite Easter story. 

Every year at my Grandparents, the children/ adults who haven't married their significant others yet are treated to bags full of candy. They even go all out and hide the bags in their house and tease people for not being able to find them. 

This year. though, there were no bags. So, my grandpa called all the kids to the dining room to explain what was going on this year. 

"So, every year we put out a bag of candy for all of you to find on Easter. This year, Grandma and I decided to not hand out bags. We do have candy for Dylan (my niece who is 2) and (he said some name, but I had no idea who is was.) We have put out candy on the table for everyone to enjoy. We are really sorry, but Grandma and I are short on money this year."

You could hear a pin drop. My grandpa just put it all out there, explaining to kids between the ages of 6-12 that him and my Grandma were making cuts to the candy budget this year and these kids would have to miss their annual Easter bonus.

While these kids were collecting their thoughts/ trying to figure out how to explain the shortage of Reese's Cups and jelly beans to their families, my cousin Kristi's youngest son yelled:

"Great Story."

I cannot explain to you through writing how perfect that moment was. I haven't stopped thinking about it. Total euphoria. In fact, I thought i was dreaming when it happened. No way could something so funny come from a 7 year olds mouth. My sister turned to me, wondering if she had imagined it all as well, and we both started laughing so hard I thought I was going to puncture a rib. I don't think tears have ever come out faster. I cried when the Cubs won the World Series but it took time to sink in. This took no time. This was the greatest response to anything I had ever heard. 

By the way, my Grandpa did have bags of candy for all the kids (not me, though, which is bullshit). It was all an April's Fools joke. But this 7-year-old upstaged him, and I can only imagine that my grandpa laid awake last night planning his revenge on the kid who ruined the joke he had planned all year.

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